Competition venue:
Athletic hall Belgrade
Bulevar Oslobodjenja 54, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Google maps link
Additional services:
FUN area, Catering, Caffe, Physio service, Photo corner, etc.
Number of courts:
Yonex floor / 6 competition courts / 2 warm-up courts
Opening hours:
August 17: 9:00 - 21:00
August 18 – August 21: 8:30 - end of the official program
August 22 – August 25: 7:30 - end of the official program
August 26: 9:00 - end of the official program
August 27: 8:30 - end of the official program
Courts can be used for warm-up to 45 minutes before the start of the official program.
Free Wi-Fi will be available in the venue
Transportation schedule from the official hotels to the Competition Venue