Athletic hall Belgrade
Address: Bulevar Oslobodjenja 54, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Monday 22 to Saturday 27 August 2022
Team Managers’ Meeting:
Sunday 21 August 2022 at 20.00.
All participating Members must be present at the meeting.
Organisation contact:
Badminton Europe Confederation:
Local organiser:
Tournament website:
Local organiser:
Marcel Schormans (NED)
Deputy Referee:
Aleksandar Dzurov (BUL), Jean-Marc Chancerel (FRA)
Committee of Management:
Matthieu Hecker (BEC), Rafal Glinici (BEC), Jimmy Andersen (BEC), Radomir Jovovic (BASS), Miodrag Kalicanin (BASS), Referee
Entry fee:
Euro 30,- per player in singles and Euro 50,- per pair in doubles.
The entry fees are payable after receipt of the invoice.
Entry closing date:
Entries must be made online no later than 26 July 2022 at 23:59 BWF HQ time (GMT +8) via LINK
Entries can only be submitted in accordance with “Eligibility” on the following page. Any submitted entries not in accordance with this section will be removed and not included into the event.
Please consult the Badminton Europe office in case of any doubt connected to the amount of entries of which your association is entitled to.
The Tournament will be played in accordance with the regulations of the Confederation as laid down in Appendix IV - Regulations for the European Junior Championships and the Laws and Regulations as adopted by the Badminton World Federation.
The 2022 European Junior Championships shall be played as a simple knock-out draw.
First aid in case of injury during the event, will be provided by organizer.
Any medical treatment necessary away from the sports hall (e.g. at hotels or hospitalisation due to serious illness or injury) is at the players or officials own expense.
It is recommended that associations of players or individual participants cover these risks by medical insurance.
YONEX will provide stringing service at the event.
Doping control:
According to the existing law in Serbia, anti-doping testing can be executed on a random basis during the tournament.
Doping control in badminton, in accordance with BWF Anti-Doping Regulations, is conducted out-of-competition and in-competition with the collection of urine and/or blood samples.
Athletes are responsible for any substance found in their body. Before an athlete takes any medication, they should check with their doctor, and if necessary, get a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
For more information about anti-doping, please CLICK HERE
All Badminton Europe Members are eligible to compete in the event.
Members entering a team in the European Junior Team Championships and placed 1-8 in the previous European Junior Team Championships* are allowed to enter:
-3 men’s singles
-3 women’s singles
-2 men’s doubles
-2 women’s doubles
-3 mixed doubles
* Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden finished 1-8 in 2020. They are entitled to the maximum amount of entries, as well as the host Serbia.
Members entering a team in the European Junior Team Championships, but not placed
1- 8 in the previous European Junior Team Championships are allowed to enter:
-2 men’s singles
-2 women’s singles
-2 men’s doubles
-2 women’s doubles
-2 mixed doubles
Members not entering a team in the European Junior Team Championships are allowed to enter:
-1 men’s singles
-1 women’s singles
-1 men’s doubles
-1 women’s doubles
-1 mixed doubles
Participants in the 2022 European Junior Championships shall be restricted to players born in 2004 or later.
In doubles events where two players from two different Members compete together as a pair, each player will be counted as ½ an entry for the respective Member in that particular event.
In this connection, we draw your attention to the BWF General Competition Regulations 6 on International Representation.
Note: As per decisions made by the BEC Board of Directors any Federation currently declared not in Good Standing, shall not be eligible to receive funding from BEC nor enter to any activity organised or sanctioned by BEC.
After the closing date for entries, a player who has entered may be unable to take part through illness, injury, or other unavoidable cause. That player's place in singles or doubles or both can be taken by a player from any Member as long as that Member does not exceed the quota of players for that specific event.
The Member withdrawing the player is given first opportunity to substitute the player and should inform Badminton Europe immediately after the withdrawal.
If the Member withdrawing the player doesn’t wish to replace the player, all the Members who didn’t reach their quota will be offered the spot and can nominate a player within a given deadline.
If more than one Member decides to nominate a player, the player with the highest ranking (ranking date of the acceptance ranking to be used) in that event shall be selected. If two or more players have the same ranking or no ranking, Badminton Europe shall draw lots to decide which player will be accepted.
If more than one player/complete pair withdraws in a particular event after the draw has been made, the position of each substituting player/complete pair shall be decided by drawing lots during the Team Managers’ Meeting.
In doubles events, if only one player of a pair withdraws after the draw has been made and gets substituted, this new combination keeps their position in the draw.
Withdrawals arising after the team managers’ meeting until play begins in a particular event will be dealt with as soon as they arise.
Seeding and draw:
Seeding for the 2022 European Junior Championships will be made by the BEC based on the ranking published on 02/08/2022).
If the BWF World Junior Rankings are not unfrozen before the seedings are published, we will use the BWF Junior International Tournament Entry and Seeding Ranking List to make the seedings for the EJC22.
The seeding will be announced on 5 August 2022.
The draw will be conducted and published on 9 August 2022.
Badminton integrity:
Section 2.4 of the BWF Statutes (Code of Conduct in Relation to Betting, Wagering and Irregular Match Results) relates to anti-corruption and anti-match manipulation, and this code applies to all participants at this tournament.
To protect the integrity of BWF sanctioned tournaments, participants are not allowed to bet in any way on badminton matches, respect the principle of fair play, and shall not attempt to influence the course or result of a game or match.
Every person has an obligation to report to the BWF any approaches by anyone to gather inside information or to change the outcome of a matches.
For more information, please CLICK HERE
Clothing and advertising:
Players need to ensure that their clothing complies with the existing BWF Regulations and Badminton Europe’s Appendix IV (Regulations for the European Junior Championships) regulations 11 and 12. Failing to do so shall result in an administrative fine of 50,00 EUR for each breach.
In singles matches it is mandatory that, from the quarter finals onwards, the opposing players in each match wear different colours from each other. The player ranked lower on the ranking used for seeding will be required to wear clothing of a significant different colour. Where both players have the same or no ranking, the player listed lower in the draw will be required to change the colour of clothing.
In doubles matches it is mandatory for doubles partners to wear the same colour.
In doubles matches it is mandatory that, from the quarter finals onwards, the opposing pairs in each match wear different colours from each other. The pair ranked lower on the ranking used for seeding (total amount of points) will be required to wear clothing of a significant different colour. Where both pairs have the same or no amount of points the pair listed lower in the draw will be required to change the colour of clothing.
The name of the player on the back of the shirt is mandatory.
The name of the player’s association on the back is optional.
The Referee is instructed to pay particular attention to uphold these regulations on clothing.
In applying regulations on clothing and designs and advertising on players’ clothing the decision of the Referee shall be final.
Visa Application:
It is the responsibility of any nation or player needing a visa to travel to Serbia to make sure that visa applications are made not later than 15 July 2022 at 23:59 CEST.
Send your request for a visa support letter:
Please copy:
Organisers are unable to send supporting letters at a late stage and Embassies are no longer prepared to issue “last minute” visas.
The fact that visas cannot be obtained, will NOT be accepted as an excuse for a withdrawal.
Official point of arrival:
Airport Nikola Tesla, Belgrade
Free transport will be provided from those official points of arrival to the tournament venue/hotel for those who booked accommodation via the organisation.
Travel / Covid-19 testing protocol:
It is not expected that Badminton Europe will enforce any additional testing/quarantine/bubble requirements than what is required by the Local Health Authorities.
We will monitor the situation closely and keep our Members informed should anything change until the event starts.
Please note that the tournament takes place during the turbulent Covid-19 period.
Badminton Europe and the Badminton Association of Serbia are not liable for any costs incurred by third persons because of a cancellation of a tournament.
Should the event be cancelled with short notice by the Serbian authorities, due to the Covid-19 situation, beyond the control of both Badminton Europe and the hosting association, neither of them will be liable for any costs related to travelling or accommodation made by players / officials for this event.
It is strongly recommended that all participants book flight tickets and hotel rooms with a cancellation insurance.
Some national or global epidemiological restrictions might be in place in the sports hall, hotel, transport etc.
If applicable, such information will be published on the official event’s website and circulated to announced Team Managers.